So....growing up, I was one of those girls that always tried really hard to be cool. The older I got, the more I realized that this was just an impossible feat. So I eventually learned to start embracing my more uncool characteristics (like my obsession with Dawson's Creek or my aversion to frequent showering). So it was only a matter of time before I found myself engulfed in the quintessential nerdy experience, leaving with me the mark of NERDdom forever.....
Dungeons & Dragons
Okay, so I am happy to report that I did not actually participate in the game, merely spectated with a grotesque curiosity. Like when someone says "eeew, I think this milk is spoiled! Here smell it!" And you go ahead and take a whiff, even though you know it will be completely putrid. My husband (A.K.A. "Ruric the Dwarvan Warrior"), recently rekindled his love for Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"), when a high school buddy invited him to join a "campaign" this summer. He eagerly agreed and then buried his nose in the DnD manual. He spent the last few days studying and creating his character and backstory. I was really taken aback by the amount of preparation required, and even more appalled by the giddiness that ensued while Tim, Will, and Brett chattered away about elves and magic spells and battle axes....
I guess I sort of thought I would enjoy the game because I really like other dorky things along the same lines. I love fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I also really like to play epic board games like Settlers of Catan. I also really like any excuse to sit for long periods at a time with friends and eat tons of junk food. So, when Tim told me that he was going to play this summer, I was a bit excited to finally witness this cultural icon of our generation firsthand.
So last night, I sat and watched as my friends encountered giant owl-beaked skeleton monsters and evil banshee ladies. They weaved their way through the dungeon, bravely fought their opponents, craftily escaped danger, and rolled lots of dice. I eventually fell asleep on the floor amidst the battling and spell-casting...and 5 hours later, I awoke to the happy sound of potato chip bags being crumpled and discarded. (The game was not finished by any means, they had just finished a, something like that).
Overall, I am glad I went and watched. It was pretty entertaining, and I decided that if someone had lured me into the world of Dungeons and Dragons back in my junior high days, I most certainly would have loved it. But for now, I will settle for making fun of my friends and their geeky past time.
Whether you like to play DnD or prefer snickering at its absurdity, you might like the following DnD related bits of pop culture:
1. James Franco hearts DnD
2. The Milwaukian Comedy Troupe, the Dead Alewives, did this bit about DnD, apparently its pretty funny if you have ever played before. I thought it was pretty amusing and I have never played. This link will take you to a website that has 2 clips. ----> "Where are the Cheetohs?"
3. Everyone should watch the movie Darkon. It is not about Dungeons and Dragons, but the even dorkier practice of LARPing (Live Action Role Play) which is basically DnD on steroids.
Here is a link to the movie's official website. ----> Nerdumentary
Here is a link to the Darkon Wargaming Club's website. ----> Nerdclub
Peace be with you, Blogstaz,
Growing Opportunities Sprouts New Partnership
7 years ago